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Training Programs

ISO 22000
ISO 22000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety. It is a general derivative of ISO 9000.
Benefits of ISO 22000
The benefit of International Stature to the organization Prevention from hazards of food safety Confidence of customers and stakeholders Constant food safety Effective safety management of food Ensured Safety of food products Continual Improvement
The successful achievement of ISO 22000 requires the full commitment and involvement of management and the workforce. It also requires a team approach.
Boost Hotels L&D Architect guides you through the entire ISO 22000 compliance and implementation till achievement of certification through imparting right education regarding coordination and motivation of management and employees.
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, or HACCP, is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, and physical hazards in production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe and designs measures to reduce these risks to a safe level. In this manner, HACCP attempts to avoid hazards rather than attempting to inspect finished products for the effects of those hazards.
Advantages of HACCP
Enhance food safety The benefit of International Stature to the organization Prevention from hazards of food safety Confidence of customers and stakeholders More effective use of resources and more timely response to food safety problems Ensured Safety of food products Continual Improvement
The successful achievement of HACCP requires the full commitment and involvement of management and the workforce. It also requires a team approach.
Boost Hotels L&D Architect guides you through the entire HACCP compliance and implementation till achievement of certification through imparting relevant education regarding coordination and motivation of management and employees.
5 “S”
5S is a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. These have been translated as "Sort", "Set In order", "Shine", "Standardize" and "Sustain".[1] The list describes how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new order. The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardization, which builds understanding among employees of how they should do the work.
Advantages of 5 “S”
Reduce time loss looking for an item by reducing the amount of items. Reduce the chance of distraction by unnecessary items. Simplify inspection. Increase the amount of available, useful space. Increase safety by eliminating obstacles. Make the workflow smooth and easy. Prevent deterioration. Keep the workplace safe and easy to work in. Keep the workplace clean and pleasing to work in. When in place, anyone not familiar to the environment must be able to detect any problems within 50 feet in 5 sec.
The successful achievement of 5 “S” requires the full commitment and involvement of management and the workforce. It also requires a team approach.
Boost Hotels L&D Architect guides you through the entire 5 “S” compliance and implementation till achievement of certification through imparting relevant education regarding coordination and motivation of management and employees.
Service Excellence
Comprehensive Two Day Training Programme Covering All the Elements 0f Customer Service. This Programme Contains Modules Imparting Knowledge on Different Expectations of Customers and How to Exceed Such Expectations. This Programme Explains Subject Matter In Details Using Different Types of Activities, Games, Role-Plays and Video Presentations.
Introduction to Customer Service Customer Service Vs Hotel Industry Sense Of Business and First Impression Service Mindset Grooming & Hygiene Body Language Welcoming Guests General Guest Service Standards Service and Sales Care Flexibility Ownership and Selling Skills What to Talk and What Not to Talk Dos & DON’Ts Responsiveness & Speed Team Work for Success Cross Cultural Awareness Complaint Handling Our Mistakes
Mystery Observer
We will assist you to evaluate your service standards by introducing mystery client observation. Mystery Observations will include the restaurant service, Kitchen, Reception and Housekeeping standards. We will evaluate according to your SOP standards and assist you to develop or rectify the standards accordingly by our team.
Basics of Spirits & Spirit Service
Food Safety